muru-D - We can help you scale smarter and faster through our startup accelerator programs in Australia and Asia

The road to muru-D

Just over 3 months ago, muru-D was nothing other than a great idea on some slides.
The office space was just a shell, we had no brand name or logo, no website & no staff.

Wind the clock forward those 3 short months & now we have a state of the art, beautiful office space just waiting for some awesome start-ups to help & support.

We’ve created a new brand, designed & built a new website & we’ve started to build the muru-D team.

Proof if ever it were needed that extraordinary things can be done when you just have the right people, focus and support on your side.

Whilst I am extremely proud of our gorgeous new office, this really is just the first step.
I can’t wait to get going, to meet the best digital talent in Australia, to meaningfully contribute back to the start-up eco-system…and of course to have a lot of fun along the way.

This is just the beginning 😉
Bring. It. On.

Ann – Co-Founder muru-D