China Initiative

澳洲电信公司Telstra旗下孵化器 muru-D 和中国

从历史上看,澳大利亚的“高科技”创新企业之前几乎把发展重点完全放在美国市场上。然而,这已经随着中国的崛起开始转变了。Telstra muru-D将通过以下方式推动中国这个新的市场焦点,引导孵化团队在2015年前半年关注这一新的趋势:

l 有意识地思考中国市场战略

l 寻求澳洲境内中国投资人的帮助,包括投资和咨询

l 花大量的时间在中国发展客户,寻求投资

muru-D也将通过此活动寻求和吸引一些最热门的中国高科技创业公司来到澳大利亚进行孵化。 本次活动将是整个蓝图的起始点。

Telstra’s muru-D and China

Historically, the Australian “tech” startup scene has focussed almost exclusively upon the USA market. This is starting to change with the rise of China. Telstra‘s muru-D facilitates this additional focus on China by asking its startups over the first half of 2015 to:

  • Consciously think about a China market strategy
  • Seek investment and advice from the Australia based Chinese community
  • Spend substantial time in China developing customers and seeking investment

muru-D will also be seeking to attract some of the hottest China tech startups to Australia.
